Friday, February 6, 2009

Islamic books 4 islamic kids

yo guys..check out this website..its really good and cool for small kids and to the moms..

I think drpd kte bce bedtime stories pasal fairytale and happy ever after merepek2 sume tu yg x exist pun in real life dekat anak2 kte..better la kte bce cerita2 drpd al quran..since sume cte2 tu benar and pernah exist in real life..n bukannya cte dongeng..n i think its da best thing for your children..Plus with the moral of the stories sume..its really good..and to future moms also..kte boleh bce for our own knowledge and also for our children..lets educate ourselves utk tau sejarah2 islam..hope you could buy these islamic books to teach your kids the islamic value in your children..its really cool and cheap!! and high quality too..lets2 promote this website!! hehehe lets be the islamic's next top mothers!!!


  1. yup i totally agree
    actually this post should be
    Quran VS fairytale story..

  2. da gtaw mak, and mak agreee. yes2 Alahamdulillah...
