Sunday, February 1, 2009

The main purpose of KAHWIN4JIHAD club

As the secretary of this club. I would like to tell u guys the main purpose of this club. Well, how do we get kahwin4jihad club name? it actually begin like this. Recently, one of us just read an article about this Palestinian woman. The story is like this. This woman should be getting married in (im not sure the date), but she has to postponed her wedding because of the attacks in Gaza by the Yahudi. Most of her relatives died in the attacks but that doesn't stop her from getting married. She wants to continue her plan and get married even though everyone is still crying because of the attacks. When people asks why. she answer like this :
" I want to go on with my marriage because i want to get pregnant and get more children. I want to raise my kid as 'Pejuang Islam" to fight for our right. I want to raise a lot of Pejuang Islam and that is why i want to get married even in this tragic situation. That is all i can do as a muslimat." (lebih kurang mcm tu la)
So from here, ktorg sgt bangga with this Palestinian woman and ini menyebbkn ktorg berkobar2 ut jd spt this palestinian woman ni. We also want to get married but with different niat now. Which is kahwin utk berjihad.kahwin utk melahirkan pejuang2 islam. We want to expose to all future moms out there about the tricks and importance of being as a muslim moms. We should raise our child to be a TRUE FIGHTER of ISLAM. That is what we should do. And based on article on "mengapa Yahudi Bijak", kitorg dpt lihat mcm mne org yahudi besarkn anak2 mereka to be as pejuang yahudi and that is what we should do guys. Raise our kids to the right path so that they could fight the Yahudi and saves Islam. This is the best long-term solution. After reading the article, now we realize no wonder la org2 Yahudi ni ada semangat yg kuat terhadap agama dan bangsa mereka. sbb dorg dh didik anak dorg dr kecik utk jd org yg pandai n kuat agama. Ni sume dh diajar dlm Islam tp not many muslims apply it. the Yahudi yg bijak telah cedok knowledge2 that they gain from al-Quran and apply it and just look how far they go. Their only disadvantage is that they dont believe in Allah. So if we apply the same thing as Yahudi but follow the right path (which is sumenya kerana Allah) insyaAllah kte akan jd lebih2 hebat drpd Yahudi and maybe conquer 100% of the world's economy. That is what the purpose of this club. For future moms out therre. Let us all lahirkan pejuang2 islam to help our own religion. We should start this from now on if we really love Islam. biar lambat asalkan selamat. lets change the niat. Kahwin for jihad and utk melahirkan pejuang2 islam.


  1. wow. that's amazing. i mean, i'm a future mom too, insyaAllah lpas kahwin nti(tp xde calon lg pon!haha) but i never thought about it this way. i like the way u memandang ke hadapan. bile i bace, i rase bsmangat n x sabar plak utk jd seorang ibu nti! i pnah bace yg bile sorg ibu lahirkan anak, insyaAllah Allah hapuskan dosa2 die.. right? sbb tu la klu kte tgk ibu2 yg br lpas bsalin muka suci je.. sbb Allah sucikan dari dosa.. waah seronoknya saat tu kan.. Ya Allah.. Kau panjangkanlah umur kami dalam keberkatan, dan Kau bimbinglah kami supaya kami dpat mendidik anak2 kami menjadi pejuang2 ISLAM insyaAllah!.. amiin.. :)

  2. Salam...

    cemerlang...bgus!!inilah salah satu cara yang kite sbg wanita dapat lakukan...ana harap jihad ini dapat kekal diteruskan dan terus meluas diserapkan ke hati2 wanita2 Islam di seluruh dunia...InsyaAllah..yang penting niat kite untuk membantu jalan Allah..InsyaAllah...


