Friday, February 6, 2009

kahwin for love VS kahwin for Allah

hye rakan2..lets debate this issue..
first, i think i am more agree on kahwin for allah rather than kahwin for love..kdng2 i dont believe in love..i love to watch fairy tales story and kn..i think apaa yg org putih ajar kids nowadays is wrong..actually we should say that everything we do is for allah..kahwin for allah..not for love..
lets take for example..ada psngan suami isteri ni yg kahwin for love but not for allah..ada lg satu, kahwin for allah even though dorg xlove each other..which one do u think last longer? In my opinion, i think psngan yg kahwin for allah will last longer..apa2 yg kte buat, if it is for allah, n diberkati oleh allah..insyaAllah kte akan bahagia what is post earlier, cinta for allah kekal selama2nya..cinta for manusia x kekal sgt..
so i think..i want to get married with suami yg alim..yg will bimbing me towards allah..even though i dont love that guy that much..but if my niat is for lahirkan byk lahirkan pejuang2 islam..insyaAllah allah akan tolong me towards kebahagiaan..cinta kpd manusia boleh dipupuk..
Actually i post this becoz i just got heartbroken..bcoz b4 this i believe in happy ever after, true love kiss, butterfly in stomach and all...sume tu..mmg la cinta tu actually..xkekal pun..mmg mule2 couple..happy once the guy tinggalkan kte..mcm tu je..den u know..betapa keciknya diri u tu..n dh betapa byknya dosa yg u dh buat..not only buat maksiat..but also derhaka kpd ibu la kekadangkan kte smpai lupakan parents sbb taksub sgt dgn bf tu..nnti end up..baru kte sedar..parents will always b there 4 u..n mmg insaf sgt2 la..soo actually..even though if we love sum1 that much tp xdiberkati oleh allah..benda tu la yg every1..kahwin for allah will be the best solution ..since ive experienced a i nk change my niat..everything i do is for allah..kahwin for allah..not for the stupid love that the white people is teaching us nowadays..
insyaAllah perkahwinan yg diberkati oleh allah akan bahagia dunia dan akhirat..


  1. I've experience k4L.. and harap2 diri ini akan belajar dari kesilapan.. terasa sgt la nk kahwin, tp ad ke lelaki yang beriman snggup mengambil diri ini sebagai permaisuri di hati.. yang akan sabar ngn kerenah mengada-ngada/ gedik niyh:((.. haih..
    Allah knows best, yang bole buat, hnylah berdoa, and perbaiki diri

  2. teringat lak my fren pnah cite 3 ciri prmpuan yg diberkati.. if i'm not mistaken ni maksud hadis (kan? correct me if i'm wrong)..

    1. awal prkahwinannya
    2. rendah maharnya
    3. cepat melahirkan anak

    hrp2 kte sme trgolong dlm golongan prmpuan yg diberkati ni insyaAllah... amiiinnn
